该剧于2012年1月9日起在金鹰卡通卫视进行全国首播 ,共52集,已完结。nbsp;
#34;The Sail.#34; Dr. Pat saved Seth#39;s Breath. It#39;s Episode 6.
#34;Saier#34; is a sci-fi adventure animation created and produced by the animation studio #34;Amoi Animation#34; under the umbrella of Amoi Network. It is directed by Wang Zhangjun and written by Tian Siyuan and Deng Lei. Voiced by Luo Yuting, Wang Zi, Zhang Anqi, Hu Qian, You Jun, Zhou Nanfei and Sun Ye.
The series premiered nationwide on Golden Eagle Cartoon Network on January 9, 2012. It has 52 episodes and is over.
In order to help mankind to solve the energy crisis of the earth and set out on the journey to find endless energy and new energy, the main story about the strange twists and turns between Saier and all kinds of elves.
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